My prices are extremely competitive and I have a very simple pricing structure.
All documents will be finished to your specified formatting requirements and proofread prior to submission back to you.
Every task will be carried out as quickly as possible and you may receive your commission earlier than times stated.
Note: Applying formatting to a document eg. automatic numbering, particular alignments and layouts will take longer than simply typing paragraphs and sentences on a page.

Copy Typing and formatting - Excel Spreadsheets, Templates, CVs and Powerpoint Presentations etc:
Priced per minute on the length of time it takes to type your document.
As a guide I touch type at approximately 68 words per minute and an A4 typed page in Arial 11 font is around 700 words.
The length of time it takes to finish a task varies depending on how many words there are and the legibility of the handwriting if a written document.
Audio Typing / Audio Transcription:
Priced on PAM (per audio minute)
Therefore, a single speaker 60 minute dictation on the Silver package will be £48.
For audio work it generally it takes 3/4 times the length of the recording to type.
Please note:
£0.30 pm in addition to the chosen package below for the following:
Audio dictation with 2+ speakers
Verbatim transcription
Intelligent transcription
Recordings with reduced clarity
The time it takes to compete your commission will vary depending on the clarity of recordings, the number of speakers, verbatim and intelligent transcription requirements for audio typing.
If you can provide a list of common terms and phrases and names of speakers this will save time and money.

Pricing Packages
For longer term tasks ie lengthy manuscripts.
£0.50 for copy typing
£0.70 for audio
(two business days)​
£1.00 for copy typing​
£1.20 for audio
(up to five business days)
£0.80 for copy typing
£1.00 for audio
​​(24 hours)​
£2.00 for copy typing​
£2.20 for audio
Changes post-completion:
Let’s face it we’re all human and even the best of us can make a mistake – therefore, any mistakes made by TYPE-IT-NOW will be corrected free of charge.
Any additional editing or changes you would like to make will be charged at the same package rate quoted, if there is a time pressure this will be increased to the Platinum package.